python 交互式可视化库_Bokeh 0.9.0 发布 Python 交互式可视化库

news/2024/7/5 20:29:36 标签: python 交互式可视化库

Bokeh 0.9.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:

* Callback Action, serverless interactivity in static plots

* Hover inspection along lines

* Client side LOD downsampling for interactive tools

* Full User guide rewrite

* Reduce BokehJS boilerplate and switch to use browserify

* Several example bugfixes

* BUG 修复

– #746 Grid without axis?

– #1479 Indicator of stacked hover tooltip has vertical offset

– #1599 Glyph renderer not masking data before rendering

– #2066 Angle property not working for square glyph

– #2095 Examples/glyphs/data_tables.ipynb error

– #2105 is generating a superfluous “id” package

– #2119 Simpleapp broken

– #2124 does not respond to 2. change on the dropdown field

– #2128 [examples] Simpleapp stock demo histograms not updating on selection

– #2130 [docs] Fixed typo in documentation

– #2134 Selections not working with nominal/categorical axis

– #2153 [docs] Fix typo, example has two css, one should be js

– #2158 [charts] Color cycles for bokeh charts

– #2180 Add shrinkwrap to lock to versions and upgrade jsdom

– #2217 [regression] Selection_histogram example broken after new hit_test redesign

– #2228 [docs] Update quickstart.rst

– #2231 [bokehjs] Multiselect broken

– #2233 [bokehjs] [regression] Vboxform broken

– #2238 Avoid layout breaking when simpleapp managing buttons

– #2246 [regression] Update datarange1d that wasn’t updated on notebook after last api change

– #2253 Run binstar upload in the correct ‘scripts’ location

– #2256 Use another env variable is case of weird previous use of the i var

– #2258 Pin binstar until binstar build fix the platform path problem

– #2261 [docs] Fix two small typos

– #2262 [bokehjs] Direction is not being passed to draw_legend in annular wedge, arc, and wedge

– #2269 [bokehjs] [regression] Hbox/hplot broken

– #2278 Examples failures

– #2280 [docs] Doc: grammar fix for intro to models

* 新特性

– #351 Cycle colors for plots

– #1486 Add line hit testing and hover inspection along lines

– #1517 Change datarange objects to query renderers for preferred bounds

– #1519 [starter] Add simple lod downsampling on the client side

– #2098 Decimal.decimal cannot be sent across session

– #2112 Remove as much of src/vendor as is practical

– #2137 Move data sources on to glyphrenderers

– #2140 [bokehjs] [build] Streamline bokehjs build in develop mode

– #2151 [docs] Add cdn links in embedding docs

– #2156 Add an option to remove the `help` button of the bokeh toolbar

– #2174 Simple callback action

– #2178 Add a “callback” to a source.selected event

– #2185 Allow users to specify a desired number of ticks

– #2207 [docs] User guide rewrite

– #2275 [examples] Initial commit of

* 任务

– #1751 Remove pinned packages

– #2038 [bokehjs] [build] What is the best way to develop bokehjs with incremental rebuilds?

– #2078 [tests] Use pyflakes

– #2087 Simplifying glyph units

– #2106 build message improvements

– #2126 [examples] Update selection histogram example

– #2132 Reduce bokehjs boilerplate

– #2139 [docs] Updating exercises to match current master

– #2146 Automatic devel build only in py27 in the new travisci matrix

– #2168 Remove extraneous comma from unemployment csv

– #2196 Bokehjs install failing because dependencies source doesn’t exist

– #2211 [bokehjs] [regression] Make relative dev work again

– #2224 Make a script to check for dev and docs dependencies

– #2237 [docs] Update

– #2241 [build] Obsolete protocole sslv3

– #2254 Revert “run binstar upload in the correct ‘scripts’ location”

– #2257 Follow-on for user guide

– #2285 note that this also works with `develop`

– #2296 Remove ‘*’ imports from examples

– #2298 [tests] Add info in the warn message about some missing dependecies

Bokeh (Bokeh.js) 是一个 Python 交互式可视化库,支持现代化 Web 浏览器,提供非常完美的展示功能。Bokeh 的目标是使用 d3″ target=”_blank”>D3.js 样式提供优雅,简洁新颖的图形化风格,同时提供大型数据集的高性能交互功能。Boken 可以快速的创建交互式的绘图,仪表盘和数据应用。



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